Article: Do Temporary Buildings Need Planning Permission?

Do Temporary Buildings Need Planning Permission?
You naturally enjoy the concept of using temporary structures for your company. But now that you've learned you could need planning clearance, you're not so sure.
Avoid abandoning the idea and going back to off-site leasing or making an investment in a new construction because of the potential planning ramifications of a temporary building project.
After all, you probably turned to temporary buildings in the first place because you were afraid of losing the time, money, and disturbance that both alternatives entailed. Furthermore, these are good, honest reasons.
What impact would planning have on you and your project, would you actually need it, and why shouldn't you allow it discourage you from adopting temporary structures?
How to find out if your temporary building project needs planning permission
Simple. Consult a professional. The simplest way to do this is through us, without attempting to push a sales pitch on you. Together, we collaborate with a UK planning consultancy that specialises in short-term construction projects. They will first check through your project to determine whether temporary building planning permission is required and what that entails.
Just like that. And once you are fully informed, you can go ahead and make a decision regarding how and whether to move forward.
They will take into account a variety of factors, including as boundaries, building height, floor space, parking areas, and the building's interim usage in connection to a bigger project.
How will planning impact you and your project?
It won't make much of a difference if you decide to have a professional ask for authorization on your behalf. You could be required to provide a small amount of project-related information in addition to a modest fee that will be added to the overall project costs. Timelines shouldn't be impacted, and we'll take care of everything.
However, many businesses are able to strike a balance and rely on internal expertise. Again, the impact on the project is negligible. The application remains under internal control. Additionally, you gain from the experience of someone who has dealt with council officials frequently. However, having someone who is familiar with temporary construction applications would not be to your advantage.
What’s the easiest way to get planning permission?
Using our or a qualified Consultant is, in our opinion, the easiest option if you need planning clearance. The consultants we work with have a tonne of expertise with planning requests for temporary structures. They are therefore prompt, effective, precise, stress-free, and generally successful.
Why you shouldn’t let planning put you off
When looking for options to renting space off-site or making an investment in a permanent facility, many people come across temporary buildings. They are tired of the hassles and high gasoline costs, and they don't want to deal with the expense, commitment, and delay of a new construction.
Temporary structures fit within this category. They keep everything under one roof, let you add or subtract space at a moment's notice, are far less expensive than permanent structures, can be set up in less than a week, and can be rented or bought and used for up to 10 years.
These advantages are real, long-lasting, and unaffected by any requirements for planning.
What next?
So hopefully you've got temporary buildings back on track. You may once more put off-site lease and new construction difficulties while anticipating quick, simple, economical, flexible on-site space.